Through its Fire Prevention Bureau, the District provides a balanced approach to fire protection and application of the five Es – Education, Engineering, Enforcement, Early Warning & Early Suppression. This is accomplished with five key strategies:

  • Educate the public on fire safety practices
  • Building plan review to assure compliance with approved codes
  • Inspections to assure compliance with applicable codes and standards
  • Thorough fire cause & origin investigations to implement fire prevention action plans
  • Hydrant tests to assure adequate suppression water supply

The Bureau is staffed with four full-time personnel that work Monday through Friday during normal business hours. While primarily assigned to the Bureau, these personnel maintain certification as firefighters and paramedics, regularly respond to emergency calls, and participate in regular training with shift personnel. Bureau activity also includes multiple inspection of over 1,200 commercial, educational, and multi-family occupancies, building plan reviews, fire investigations, counseling sessions with juvenile firesetters and their parents, and hydrant inspections.

Building & Fire Codes

For information on building and fire codes in use for a specific area within the District, contact the following:

Jurisdiction Contact Information
Village of Vernon Hills Building Division (847) 367-3704
Village of Long Grove Building & Permitting (847) 634-9440
Village of Hawthorn Woods Building Department (847) 438-5500
Village of Kildeer Building Department (847) 438-6000
Indian Creek & Unincorporated Lake County Lake County Planning, Building & Development (847) 377-2600

Additionally, the District’s Board of Trustees has adopted an amended version of the 2009 International Fire Code through Ordinance 12-O-12.

Public Education

Part of the Fire Prevention Bureau, the Public Education Division is responsible for communicating Countryside’s fire safety message to all of its customers from pre-school age through senior citizens. This is accomplished through community programs including block parties, CPR & first aid classes, the annual open house, and special events as well as through school programs reaching all grades from pre-school through eighth as well as high school students. The Public Education Division also provides safety education content for this website.


Isabel “Bella” Ogurek

Director Community Outreach

Serving Since 2024

Casey Stafseth

Fire & Life Safety Educator

Serving Since 2024

Stanley Olson

Fire Inspector

Serving Since 2022

Rudy Perocho

Fire Inspector

Serving Since 2024

Joel Severin


Serving Since 2005

Ron Cielek

Lieutenant/Firemedic-Division Chief of Fire Prevention

Serving Since 1993

Tony Rodkey

Fire Inspector

Serving Since 2000