The Countryside Fire Protection District is pleased to provide FREE My Medical Information kits to the senior citizens, those with special needs, and others within the District that may need them. These kits were funded by Advocate Condell Medical Center and are sponsored by the Lake County Fire Chiefs Association.

The kits consist of a red plastic pouch with a magnetic back and are intended to be attached to an individual’s refrigerator. Inside the pouch is a cardboard pamphlet that an individual can use to write down his or her personal information, emergency contacts, medications, allergies, medical conditions, and advanced directives. There is also a sticker that should be placed on or near the individual’s front door to alert responders that the individual has a My Medical Information kit. Paramedics can then use this vital information when providing emergency care.

To obtain your FREE My Medical Information kit, contact Administrative Assistant Lina Diaz at (847) 367-5511 or, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Provide your name and mailing address, and we will be happy to mail you a kit. You may also stop by either of our fire stations to pick one up.